Friday, July 6, 2012




             for pastry dough             
             Refined flour  1 1/4 cup
             Yeast     10 g
             Salt         to taste
             Butter   50 g
             For filling             
             Olive oil                2 tablespoon
             Garlic,chopped                 4 clove
             Onion ,chopped               2 medium
             Green capsicum,chopped            1 medium
             Button mushrooms,chopped     10
             Tomato concasse             1/2 cup
             Red chilli flakes                 1/2 teaspoon
             Dried mixed herbs           1/2 teaspoon
             Jalapeno,chopped           1
             Salt         to taste
             Black peppercorns,crushed         3-4


Mix yeast with one tablespoon of lukewarm water and set aside for about ten minutes or till it froths. Sift refined flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the yeast mixture. Add butter and sufficient water to knead the mixture into a soft, smooth dough. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and set aside in a warm place for about thirty minutes, or till it doubles in size. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a baking tray. Knock back the dough lightly, divide into four equal portions and roll out each portion into one-inch thick rounds. Set aside for about twenty minutes in a warm place. For the filling, heat olive oil in a pan; add garlic and sauté for one minute. Add onions and continue to sauté till translucent. Add capsicum and mushrooms and sauté for one minute. Stir in tomato concasse and cook till well blended. Add chilli flakes, mixed herbs, jalapeño chilli, salt and crushed peppercorns. Mix well and set aside to cool. Divide the mixture into four portions and spread each portion over a pastry round. Fold over into a half-moon shape. Press the edges together to seal and place on the greased tray. Bake for about forty-five minutes till golden brown. Brush with melted butter and serve hot.

Chef's Tip
TOMATO CONCASSE Blanch and peel 4 medium tomatoes, remove seeds and chop fine. Makes 1cup.

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